Homeschooling 3 children in Ghana
When my husband and I decided to homeschool our children we did it afraid. We had prayed about it and our only certainty lay in the fact that we believed without a doubt that this is what was required of us for the children we had been blessed to raise. The how was the scary part. John and I are both entrepreneurs and in as much as the sounds like we had a lot of free time be able to afford a decision like this, if you’re an entrepreneur you know that this means you work twice as hard in half the time. We were going to have to make a way where there was no way. Joel at the time was 8, Sofia was 6 and Jessie Anne was 4. We thought we’d have to fight to convince them to leave their respective schools but that where our journey of miracles begin I guess. Covid hit and school children had to study from home, how serendipitous. That was our cue the entire school system had its behind exposed NOBODY was getting what they were paying for. Parents were suddenly privy to the inner workings of their children classes. Thousands of dollars spent per month on premium education only to realise your child is unsupervised, unmotivated, uninspired, unbothered just going through the motions because they have to. Is it the teachers fault? no. they are doing the best they can with what they are given in a system designed to accommodate as many learning styles as possible. I hate to sound like i’m again the school system because the truth is quite the contrary. I’m very much for education in all its available forms. What I’m a bigger advocate for is doing what’s best for your child and as a parent there’s no way you can know that for sure without divine intervention. The God who designed the child and chose you for him is the only one who can share with you the blueprint for his or her success. Train up a child in the way he should go….(proverbs 22:6) You have to know the way he should go in order to train in that way. If we believe we are sent here with an assignment and a purpose and that personal fulfilment and success are dependent on us completing our assignments with our gifts and talents then having a clear roadmap for your child in line with the expectations God has for that child only makes sense. God’s plan for your child may be for your child to go to a particular school in a particular neighbourhood for a particular amount of time. For us it was homeschool.
We found a christian online curriculum that worked wonders for our family and we started with that. ( As time went by we created a hybrid curriculum with elements from Cambridge, Abeka, and Ghana Education services that we love. I’ll blog a lot more about our homeschool in detail in other posts. This journey has truly been amazing for us as a family we’ve gotten to know and love each other in a whole different way. Something we would have missed out on if we hadn't obeyed the call. The children are happy and thriving and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Its been 3 years and counting…..